Each family will have one person designated as team captain. Next, divide your team into two “families”. PPT file and instructions are built right into the deck. In fact, we decided to make available for download a version already loaded with 11 rounds of questions and survey “answers” so you can get started right away. One of the templates ever comes complete with the classic theme song and sound effects from the game. This website offers three free PowerPoint templates you can download. These can be customized with questions of your choosing. Playing a Microsoft Teams version of Family Feud can be a simple affair or, if you’re willing to invest a bit more time in preparation, a pretty good facsimile of the real deal. How to Play Family Feud on Microsoft Teams Adding a game show to the mix can be just right for reducing employee stress, boosting morale and fostering fellowship while we’re separated.

More organizations are doing regular Teams happy hours at week’s end.

It’s also a fantastic game to play with your team on Teams. Family Feud is a very long-lived, slightly off-color duel between families vying to match their answers to the oft-cited survey.